It seems the perfect day to release your book into the world - when there will be so much noise! I must confess (because I'm British) when I saw the date, all I thought of was Bonfire Night!

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It seems like a very necessary juxtaposition whether thinking of the election or bonfire night. Both are definitely times when the quiet needs to be reclaimed.

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It makes for a perfect opportunity to pray and stay quiet and calm in our hearts the day of the election, knowing the results are in God’s hands, as is this chosen release date of your book. The whole nation will be craving quiet!

Philippians 4:4-7 (ESV)

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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I’m with you in the endeavour and have pre-ordered the book though sadly it won’t arrive until about a week after the ‘day’.

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I love psalm 46... on the other side of "Be still" is "and know that I am God". I think once we cease we are able to "know".

From that knowing and gentle assurance comes the "trust" that Sarah speaks of. Even if we are filling our lives with good things and activities, we can miss Him if we do not sit in quiet and cease from our never-ending pursuits. Quiet is definitely a place we enter into, and we can let Him shape us and still us and fill us there....

Never forget that God spoke to Elijah in a whisper... He was the still-small voice that came after the wind tore into the mountains, after the earthquake, and finally after the fire (1st Kings 19:11-13)

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I think your book is coming out on the perfect day. Those of us who are trying to be quiet are rejecting the noise of society to focus our hearts of God.

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I applaud your way of anchoring yourself in the midst of the bustle of this day.

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I saw the release date when I preordered and thought to myself “that is exactly what I need.”

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God knew we would need your gentle nudge to quiet our hearts on that day!

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I for one think it's the perfect day to release =) And I am looking forward to it =)

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Reclaiming Quiet, on what will be a very noisy day in the States, is just what I will be leaning into. God will guide your words Sarah into the hands that need them.

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Dear Sarah, your invitations to morning and evening prayer struck a tender place in me. Thank you. I've been on a journey of learning St. Ignatius' realm of consolations and desolations, and his discernment exercises. Much of it has blown open the gates of my own soul & how I respond to those around me. So, I humbly elect Quiet the winner of the election. 🤍

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My copy has shipped, and I am beyond delighted to help you celebrate moments of quiet on a noisy day. ❤️

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It’s a perfectly timed release, if you ask me! I am very much looking forward to reading your book. Thank you for wrestling with what it means to find and to be quiet in the midst of the world’s cacophony, in order to share what you have learned with any who desire the same. ♥️

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It’s debuting at the perfect time. We need your book more than we realize on that very day and at this time. Pulling away and soaking in music and silence. The enemy doesn’t like that. It likes noise. (At least I think that’s what C S Lewis wrote in Screwtape Letters.

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Believing in God’s sovereignty as we do, I think He wanted it released that day! We need that reminder of quiet trust in Him on THAT day of all days!♥️

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